Jeffrey Cippola
Associate Director of Maritime Advanced Technology,
At Raytheon, Dr. Cipolla serves as Associate Director for Advanced Technology, Maritime, in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. He currently leads Raytheon’s efforts for the hull structure, signatures, sensors and cybersecurity for a new submersible, and also leads acoustic and multiphysical efforts for several undersea programs. Dr. Cipolla is recognized as an expert in computational mechanics for wave propagation and dynamics, particularly for shock wave and structural-acoustic issues related to subsea systems, with over 30 years’ experience in the development and application of physics- and data-driven methods in these areas. He has been a key contributor to advances in underwater shock and implosion analysis, metamaterials for acoustic cloaking, infinite elements for computation of submerged structure dynamics, analytical methods for optimization, simulation of flank array sonars, and other programs related to undersea systems. Dr. Cipolla has roughly 100 patents, presentations and publications derived from his expertise in the dynamics of mechanical systems and methods of robust simulation in applications. Dr. Cipolla has contributed several invited papers to the Acoustical Society of America, the US National Conference on Computational Mechanics, and to the Shock and Vibration Symposia.