Can current and future digital tools support effective and efficient evaluation of the human impact on submarine capability?

26 Mar 2025
Theatre 1
Submarines and Systems

Through applied and research activities it has been identified that digital tools could support:

  • The generation and validation of crewing numbers
  • Digital mock ups that allow testing of the impact of heat, noise and light on human performance and fatigue
  • HF evaluation facilities that have automated human performance data collection functions and real time data presentation and
  • Digital Human Manikins that allow simulation of complex human interactions
Ivan Stace CEng ChPP MSc MA MCGI
Captain Royal Navy (Retd.) Ivan Stace CEng ChPP MSc MA MCGI, In Water Engineering Programme Lead - Babcock Nuclear
Alan Felstead
Alan Felstead, Head of Technology - BAE Systems Submarines
Harriet Morley
Ms Harriet Morley, Technologist - BAE Systems Submarines
Chris Vincent
Mr Chris Vincent, Engineering Manager - BAE Systems Submarines